My first pigeons of a pure strain came middle of the sixties from the loft of the late Georges Veys of Elsegem, Belgium.
Georges Veys with "De Kleinen"
This fancier with only a small number of birds possessed a strain of pure De Baere Brothers and Valere De Smet-Matthijs pigeons both from Nokere Belgium. With his famous "Kleinen" (son of "De Poele", halfbrother of my "Slimme") and his even famous race companion "Het Boerke", full brother of "De Derby" (both sons of "De Oude Roden", the line of my foundation breeder "Het Boerke"), were always on top of the basketing list.
Georges Veys with "Het Boerke"
These two birds made Georges Veys seven years at a stretch the champion of his region, the very same region were De Baere Brothers and Valere De Smet-Matthijs were racing their worldfamous champions!!! This is unique in pigeon sport and indicates the quality of these two birds!! Both cocks won over a hundred prizes in the races and how many firsts I do not exactly remember but the number was countless!
"De Ballon"of Georges Veys.
The foundation of the Georges Veys loft was the bloodline of "De Oude Rosten" (direct descendants are e.g. "De Poele" and "De Oude Witteslag", see his daughter "De Klare Witteslag") of De Baere Brothers, the halfbrother of the worldfamous "Oude Klaren of '46" of Valere De Smet-Matthijs and the line of "De Blesse" (direct descendant is "De Oude Roden"), the other halfbrother of "De Oude Klaren of '46".
"De Poele" of Georges Veys
These bloodlines were "crossbred" amongst eachother with great success. "De Argenton duivin", daughter of "De Poele", won as a youngster the 1th prize National from Argenton and was in her year of birth 1th National Ace Young of Belgium. "De Barcelona duivin", daughter of "De Oude Witteslag", with her 99th prize International from Barcelona and her full brother "De Klaren" with his impressive race results, "De Derby", brother of "Het Boerke" and "Het Prinseske, daughter of "De Bozen", with both their 1th prizes in the famous "Oostvlaamse" Provincial Derby from Orleans were a few of the many very impressive champion pigeons from the loft of the master breeder Georges Veys.
"De Schonen" of Desmet-Matthijs
The old foundation lines were inbred all the time and "crossbred" with the line of the "Oude Klaren of '46". To realize that he bought at great expenses a direct daughter of the worldfamous "Oude Klaren of '46". He also possessed a full brother of "De Vechter"(2nd National Brives), a brother of "De Mieroge" (in 1964 the 1th National Ace of Belgium) and a son of the worldfamous "Plastron" of De Baere Brothers. It will be clear to you that this fancier direct out of the neighboorhoud of the wellknown pigeon village Nokere owned a treasure of pigeons!!!