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 The picture is proving our last victory on the youngbird national from Morlincourt against 15.000 birds. Our family is winning nationals since 1980 and the last one was our 11th victory. Our foundation is responsible for national victories in 7 generations:

1st Generation: 1st National Chateauroux 650 km 8139 birds "De Goede Jaarling"
2nd Generation: 1st National Chateauroux 650 km 5523 birds "Magic Blue Turbo"
2nd Generation: 1st National Orleans 535 km 7058 birds "The Orleans Lady" (Vonk Bros)
2nd Generation: 1st National Etampes 475 km 11789 birds "De Jonge Baron"
2nd Generation: 1st National Orleans 535 km 11439 birds "Riis"
3rd Generation: 1st National Bourges 610 km Afd 7 6319 birds "Magic Olympic Grizzle"
3rd Generation: 1st National Etampes 475 km 15670 birds "Witpen Etampes"
3rd Generation: 1st National Chiangray Thailand 750 km "Miss World" (Pilunthanakul Bros)
3rd Generation: 1st National Guernsey England 4282 birds + Carwinner (Matthew Rakes)
4th Generation: 1st National Orleans 535 km 13250 birds "De Kleinen"
4th Generation: 1st National Altona Denmark 425 kms (Arne Porsmose, Strandby)
4th Generation: 1st National Hannover Denmark 450 km (John Engel, Haderslev)
5th Generation: 1st National Bourges 610 km 9315 birds "De Rode Engel"
5th Generation: 1st National Orleans 535 km 10.000 birds (Jan Witteveen, Hilversum)
6th Generation: 1st National München 650 km (Willem de Bruijn, Reeuwijk)
7th Generation: 1st National Orleans 530 km 4000 birds (Van Leeuwen & Van Grieken)

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Steven van Breemen